2024-2025 Oakland County Fair Junior Fairboard
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2024-2025 Oakland County Fair Junior Fair Board Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming part of the Oakland County Fair Junior Fairboard! This opportunity offers you a chance to develop leadership skills, perform community service, and gain insight into the operations of the Oakland County Fair.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Age: Must be between 13 and 21 years old as of January 1, 2025, and have exhibited as a youth at the Oakland County Fair for at least two years.
  • Exhibition: Must exhibit a minimum of 5 projects at the 2025 Oakland County Fair.
  • Commitment: Must attend meetings and participate in events related to the Fair and other association events.

Personal Information

Parents/ Guardian Information
Adult Reference (not a family member)
Below is a list of areas to participate in. Please check all of the areas you are interested in.
Exhibit Information- 2024 Oakland County Fair
Areas anticipated for the 2025 Oakland County Fair
1. Tell us why you would like to serve as a Junior Fair Advisor for the Oakland County Fair.(Briefly describe your motivation for joining the Junior Fairboard.)
2. What qualities, strengths and skills do you possess that would benefit the Oakland County Fair and Junior Advisor Group?(List skills such as leadership, teamwork, etc., that you bring to the team.)
3 Explain what changes or improvements you would like to see in the Oakland County Fair and how your ideas would benefit the Fair?(Your thoughts on enhancing the Fair experience.)
4. What benefits or experiences do you expect to gain by being a member of the Junior Advisor group?(What do you hope to learn or achieve from this experience?)
5. If you are a former Junior Advisor, tell us about your experience- positive or negative! (Optional if you are a returning applicant.)
6. Please list any organizations, community service projects or leadership roles you have held or participated in, at school, in your community, 4-H, etc. (List relevant experiences outside of the Fair.)
If not enough space was allowed for your answers please upload a file. PDF preferred

I agree, if I am selected as an Oakland County Junior Fairboard member I will attend all assigned functions. By signing, I indicate that I am willing and able to be an active participant as a Junior Advisor. I also acknowledge that I will be expected to abide by the Oakland County Fair Code of Conduct.

Oakland County 4-H Fair Association Code of Conduct

Fairboard Directors, Junior Fairboard, Fair Association Employees, Association and Committee Members, Fair

Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents, Judges, and Volunteers will:

  • Accept their responsibility to represent the Oakland County Fair with dignity and pride by being a positive role model for youth and all fairgoers.
  • Conduct themselves in a courteous, respectful manner, and exhibit good sportsmanship.
  • Respect, adhere to, and enforce the rules, policies, and guidelines established by the Oakland County 4-H Fair Association and its Board of Directors.
  • Abstain from and not tolerate physical or verbal abuse of people or animals.
  • Abstain from and not tolerate foul language or obscene gestures.
  • Comply with equal opportunity and anti-discrimination laws.
  • Under no circumstances possess, sell, or consume/use alcohol and/or controlled substances, while at the Oakland County Fair.
  • Under no circumstances attend or participate in an Oakland County 4-H Fair Association or 4-H activity with youth present while under the influence of alcohol and/or controlled substances.
  • Accept the responsibility to promote and support the Oakland County 4-H Fair Association to carry out its mission statement.
  • Care and manage all property and equipment both owned and rented by the Oakland County 4-H Fair Association with respect. Operate machinery, vehicles, and other equipment in a responsible manner.

It is important that all Oakland County 4-H Fair Association Board Members, Junior Board Members, Employees,

Association and Committee Members, Superintendents and Assistant Superintendents, Judges,

and Volunteers comply with the Code of Conduct. Failure to comply with any component of the

code, or participation in other inappropriate conduct as determined by Fair Association

representatives, may lead to dismissal from Fair Association activities.
Applicant Consent and Commitment
I am aware that my child has elected to participate as a member of the Oakland County Fair Junior Fairboard. If chosen, I am aware of the time and transportation commitments that are required to assure that my child fully participates as required.
Parental Consent Statement

Printable Form

If you want to download a copy and mail or bring it to the office
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